Saturday, 1 March 2014

Netshark Cs 1.6 Download cheat.

Net shark is a best new cheat.
This cheat is unknown.and most entrusting cheat by this you can increase your score in  a server.
The download button is given below...
Click on download button to download this hack as given below...

          <::: DOWNLOAD HERE::::>

Download and install it.
Open and enjoy the hack.
If you have any problem about this cheat you can comments below..

Thank you !

Blogger Tricks blogger

Friday, 16 August 2013

Guid How make gmail account or in google account !

Procedure to gmail account :

Hello today i am gonna to show you that how we can make a gmail account.
so aften we make gmail for advertising program or google adsense the google adsense is a special
programe through which we can make money at home aften peoples saying that you can make a large maney 
by google adsense it possible in some cases but it is not possible in some cases but you can make them
possible in this programe you will need large hard work .this process also start from gmail account
and for making money you will make a blog .............
so let start how make gmail account? let start!

First of all open  or  here you will see sign at 
top   in click on sign
and a new page will be open and here you will see sign up click on sign up there will be open a new page 
there required   some thing !Like

  1. Name here put your name in first and last name,
  2. choose your user name which contain,
  3. creat your possword,
  4. Birth day,
  5. Gender,
  6. Mobile number.
  7. and your current email address
  8. solve the capcha.
  9. select the country.
  10. Fill the box "I agree to the google terms and conditions....

and then click on next step.

In the next step conform your email address with your mobile number google will sent a code on your mobile number 
put it into the emty space and at last click on get started.
similarly you made a gmail account.

in the next tetorial i will show you that how we start on bloger. Wait for the next tetorial..

Thank you !


Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Adsense approval triks get free in Pakistan and India

Get adsense account :

Hy i am gonna to show you how get adsense acount aften peoples selling these accounts but now you don`t hve need to buye any adsense account
so aften peoples saying that adsense is a money making machine it`s true in some cases but it is false in some is depending on you.
you can make its true and false.Its very esy to make get adsense account. 
Let`start first of all make a gmail new account from . After this go to a website this site opened   so its
basically a website where peoples upload his documants by this peoples get one more chonse to get adsense account by this  site .

So first of all click on regester then here a new page will be opened.

here put your user name after this take a password

give your email and solve the capcha  and click on complete registration is completed the new page will say that 

get cash by uploading your ducoments to docstocs

for this click on i would like to set up an adsense account and for adsense account you will need an email account for email click on 
use my doc stoc account email. so after this we complete our profile after the completing the profile . you will recieve contultions mesg

you have succesfully created an adsense account. so after this go to you email and here you will found two is about the docstoc
account and the second one is about the adsnse verification asking you want two get adsense account through docstoc for yes click on the
verification link and there will be opened a form for adsense approval.fill this form with you correct name and adress submit you will 
found and adsense account after two days.

in this process read the term and condition carefully

Thank you !


Thursday, 8 August 2013

Ideas To Engage Traffic To Your Blog 3

3. craft something which compel reader to com e back:

Let us supose you have a website of Niche `Adward coupon` then you must set up a way of email and passwoord to provide
adword. it is a hard duty to inform users that adwords can be updated any time on the website.the sooner will get the s
adword coupon. thius will enhance attention in the user`s mind.he will look forward to watch your website to make sure that
adword are still not updated.
In this way these user`s engage in your website .he will become permanent source of traffic and google could improve your
website integrity and morality.

Idea 2 click here                        Idea 4 coming soon...                


Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Ideas To Engage Traffic To Your Blog 2

 2. Prefer Mother Language :

Use or look for language in which you native. Don`t try to picking newbie website which has no correct
 sense of tenses,grammar and vocabulary to engage people to read your content.
the readers are likely to read new and unique words for better development and coverage of their self
 vocabulary and grammar.
Write in chinese language if you are chinese . speak your mother language. never exploit your business
by beginner language articles.

Click here for Idea 1                                                  Idea 3 click here

Thank you !


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